2025 Back 2 School
Health Clinic

Project LINK's Back to School Health Clinics provides Medicaid or uninsured families with access to NO COST routine immunizations, school physicals, and immunization records transfers. Our goal is to help ensure Hillsborough County Public and Charter School students are healthy and ready for the academic year ahead.
Our dedicated team, consisting of highly trained healthcare experts, is fully committed to providing comprehensive and compassionate medical care. We also place a strong emphasis on educating families about the vital importance of preventative healthcare measures.
To ensure easy access to the medical services necessary for enrollment in Hillsborough County Schools, we have set up 7 pop-up clinics across the county.

We are no longer scheduling appointments for School Physicals and Routine Immunizations at our Back-2-Schools Health Clinics. We only offer these clinics during the summer.
Your child must be uninsured or have Medicaid coverage.
New to Hillsborough County Schools attending grades k-12; to receive a School Physical for enrollment purposes only.
Starting Kindergarten this year, and must be at least 5 years old by September 1, 2024
Enrolling in the 7th grade this year and need routine Booster shot
Note: If the child's Immunization Records need to be transferred to the Florida Form DH-680 and/or the child needs a required or recommended vaccine, you will need to submit your child's current Immunization record. To learn more about immunization history record request, Click Here
School Physicals
Routine Immunizations
Immunization Records Transfers/Updates
Book Bags Distributed
If you want to learn how to access and organize your child's immunization records and/or gain information about the importance of CDC recommended routine immunizations for children, please stay tuned for sign-up announcements for our upcoming workshops at Project LINK's Parent Leadership Academy of Tampa Bay.

Who can register for the Back 2 School Health Clinics?The Back-2-School Health Clinic is open to Medicaid members, uninsured, or underinsured Hillsborough County children who are enrolled in grades K-12. We welcome families new to Hillsborough County schools, who may have fallen within the gap of having no healthcare coverage during their relocation. We believe, by offering our services to families who may not have access to affordable healthcare, we are helping to ensure that every child has the opportunity to start the school year healthy and ready to learn.
Can I take my whole family?We strongly recommend that only one parent/guardian accompany their child(ren) who is scheduled to receive medical services at the Back 2 School Health Clinic. The presence of a second parent or guardian is welcome, however, we strive to keep the number of people in the place as low as possible to safeguard the health and safety of all participants.
Do I need to make an appointment to attend the Back 2 School Health Clinic?Yes, an appointment is required to attend the Back 2 School Health Clinic. As a result, you will receive a timely and efficient service and you will be able to reduce the waiting time for all your appointments. Register at www.back2schoolhealthclinic.org to schedule an appointment.
What is the Back 2 School Health Clinic?The Back-2-School Health Clinic provides eligible families with no-cost immunizations and school physicals, ensuring that your child is healthy and ready for the academic year ahead. Our medical partners are qualified healthcare professionals, who are dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate care, while also educating families on the importance of preventive health measures.
How long does it take to receive services at the Back 2 School Health Clinic?Depending on the necessary services and the number of people who attend, the Back 2 School Health Clinic can take up to 2 hours to provide services. Due to the possibility of long waiting times, we recommend eating a healthy breakfast or bringing a healthy snack.
Is there any cost to attend the Back 2 School Health Clinic?The Back 2 School Health Clinic offers medical services at NO COST to students eligible to meet the enrollment requirements to attend the Hillsborough County Public Schools or Charter. Families with private insurance are advised to contact their private health care provider.
What medical services are available at the Back 2 School Health Clinics?The Back 2 School Health Clinic provides a variety of medical services, including vaccines, school physical exams and transfer/update of vaccine records. While we provide students with the physical exams required for public and charter schools in Hillsborough County, we do not offer Headstart, VPK or sports physical exams.
¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en recibir servicios en la ClÃnica de Salud de la Escuela Back 2?Dependiendo de los servicios necesarios y del número de personas que asistan, la ClÃnica de Salud de la Escuela Back 2 puede tardar hasta 2 horas en proporcionar servicios. Debido a la posibilidad de largos tiempos de espera, recomendamos comer un desayuno saludable o traer un bocadillo saludable.
¿Tengo que hacer una cita para asistir a la ClÃnica de Salud de la Escuela Back 2?SÃ, se requiere una cita para asistir a la ClÃnica de Salud de la Escuela Back 2. Como resultado, recibirá un servicio oportuno y eficiente y podrá reducir el tiempo de espera para todas sus citas. RegÃstrese en www.back2schoolhealthclinic.org para programar una cita.
¿Quién puede inscribirse en las clÃnicas de salud de Back 2 School?La ClÃnica de Salud Back-2-School está abierta a los miembros de Medicaid, niños sin seguro o con seguro insuficiente del condado de Hillsborough que están inscritos en los grados K-12. Damos la bienvenida a las familias nuevas en las escuelas del condado de Hillsborough, que pueden haber caÃdo dentro de la brecha de no tener cobertura de atención médica durante su reubicación. Creemos que, al ofrecer nuestros servicios a las familias que pueden no tener acceso a una atención médica asequible, estamos ayudando a garantizar que cada niño tenga la oportunidad de comenzar el año escolar sano y listo para aprender.
¿Puedo llevar a toda mi familia?Recomendamos encarecidamente que solo uno de los padres/tutores acompañe a su(s) hijo(s) que está(n) programado(n) recibir servicios médicos en la ClÃnica de Salud de la Escuela Back 2. La presencia de un segundo padre o tutor es bienvenida, sin embargo, nos esforzamos por mantener el número de personas en el lugar lo más bajo posible para salvaguardar la salud y la seguridad de todos los participantes.
¿Qué servicios médicos están disponibles en las ClÃnicas de Salud de la Escuela Back 2?La ClÃnica de Salud de la Escuela Back 2 ofrece una variedad de servicios médicos, incluyendo vacunas, exámenes fÃsicos escolares y transferencia/actualización de los registros de vacunas. Si bien proporcionamos a los estudiantes los exámenes fÃsicos requeridos para las escuelas públicas y chárter en el condado de Hillsborough, no ofrecemos exámenes fÃsicos Headstart, VPK o deportivos.
¿Hay algún costo para asistir a la ClÃnica de Salud de la Escuela Back 2?La ClÃnica de Salud Escolar Back 2 ofrece servicios médicos SIN COSTO a los estudiantes elegibles para cumplir con los requisitos de inscripción para asistir a las Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Hillsborough o Charter. Se recomienda a las familias con seguro privado que se pongan en contacto con su proveedor de atención médica privado.
¿Qué es la clÃnica de salud Back-2-School?La ClÃnica de Salud Back-2-School proporciona a las familias elegibles vacunas sin costo y exámenes fÃsicos escolares, lo que garantiza que su hijo esté sano y listo para el próximo año académico. Nuestros socios médicos son profesionales de la salud calificados, que se dedican a proporcionar atención integral y compasiva, al tiempo que educan a las familias sobre la importancia de las medidas preventivas de salud.
Our Address
1315 West Spruce Street, Tampa, Florida 33607
Phone: (813) 276-5671